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Movie Quotes

Urban Legend Quote(s)

Quote: Total eclipse of the heart.
Quote: Daemon: im gonna miss her..the girl gave great head..get it head..c'mon
Quote: The call is coming from inside the house. Could it be...an urban legend?
Quote: Now, I am sorry, but I don’t have any anesthesia. I guess you’ll just have to bite down real hard on that gag and hope that you go into shock soon enough.

Quote: sasha :do you thank he'll getin to it. natile:he'll have to he has no
Quote: This will become a legend, too, you know. It'll change a little from
person to person, of course. Brenda'll become a guy, and you'll become
a cop. And I'll probably end up in an insane asylum.

Quote: What, are you going to shoot me, Natalie? Huh? What kind of friend are

Quote: (1)It's not going to bring him back, Brenda. None of this--

(2)I know that, Natalie! But it will bring a devastated little Paul right
into my arms. I'll have him, and he'll have his Pulitzer. What did you
think, Natalie? That I was gonna let you take two men outta my life?

Quote: (1)Oh, great. Rent-a-cop to the rescue?
(2)Hands up! Get against the wall, you looney, psycho bitch!

Quote: Now, is this the kidney?Or is that the liver? I was always such a dope in anatomy. Well, who
cares, right? First organ I see, I'm just gonna grab it.

Quote: I am really going to enjoy watching you bleed to death.

Quote: I must say Natalie, you have proven your friendship to me. Coming all
the way out here to rescue me...without even a little pepper spray to
defend yourself. Very endearing.

Quote: (Talking in Paul's car.)
Brenda:Natalie, I'm sorry that I acted like such a jerk about you and Paul.
You two like each other, and you should be together.
(They smile at each other and hug. Then they hear a musical watch sound coming from the trunk. They open the trunk and find a corpse in it.)
Brenda:Like I said, he's all yours.

Quote: Hello? Are you there? Well, you have my number. Use it.

Quote: (1)My God! Help me! Please!
(2)She's good. I got chills.

Quote: You know what chaps my hide? The way you pledged an oath to serve and
protect, and then you don't give a rat's ass when something really does

Quote: (1)Hello?

(2)You're gonna die tonight.

(1)Oh, really?

Quote: (1)Weren't you ever eighteen?

Not that kind of eighteen.

Quote: Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?
Quote: Nice try, Damon. That was a fairly good impersonation of a human being.

Quote: (1)Parker said he's gonna pierce Hootie's nose.
(2)Hootie's a dog.
(1)That's no reason why he can't be hip.

Quote: (1)This was someone's life. Did you even spend one minute thinking about
(2)No, I didn't. But because of my story, 3,500 students will. I think
that's enough to help me sleep at night.

Quote: (1)All right, did it seem like he was giving me the eye?

(2)Uh, it was probably the mirror behind us.

(1)Oh, damn. Should I ask him out anyway?

Quote: (1)You have a party to commemorate a massacre?

You betcha.

Quote: (1)Ah. Had a little frat boy protein shake, did ya?
(2)I feel so sick. I mean, I can feel them swimming inside me. Should I
get my stomach pumped or something?
(1)Felicia, the only thing you need to get pumped is the air out of your

Quote: S-Somebody's in the backseat!

Quote: (1)
So, you've been stealing your roommate's birth control pills?

Borrowing, okay? She never noticed before because I've been replacing
them with baby aspirin.

With what?

Baby aspirin. Looks exactly the same. Anyways, now she's pregnant and
has to leave school.

And how the hell am I going to get a new roommate this late in the

Quote: Sasha: Spit it out Felicia.
Felicia: Thats just the problem, I didn't.

Quote: Your F*cking crazy. I prefer the term clincally insane but yeah i guess you could say im a bit nutty
Quote: my suggstion is down acople shots of pepto and next time get away from the volcano b-4 it errupts
Quote: your cute...............but not that fuckin cute
Quote: with you're pretty hair, and you're pretty face, you still don't get do you natalie
Quote: Well, lucky for you Miss Thing, I brought a visual aid.
Quote: Missing? Please! It's the weekend. He's most likely holed up in some hotel somewhere with a girl. Or a boy... farm animal... whatever! Weren't you ever eighteen?
Quote: Please Damion is the biggest practical joker i know he once convinced a sophmore he was the middle hanson brother just so he could get laid
Quote: huh. a bullet in the head. it's not exactly an urban legend, but it'll get the job done.
Quote: One black eye or two Damon?

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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